But that does not mean that the first and only aim of theFoundation is no longer to publish the definitive Encyclopedia of all humanknowledge. We are a State-supported, scientific institution, Hardin. Wecannot ? must not ? will not interfere in local politics.""Local politics! By the Emperor's left toe, Pirenne, this is a matter oflife and death. The planet, Terminus, by itself cannot support a mechanizedcivilization Aktuelles Hong Kong Tourismus.
It lacks metals. You know that. It hasn't a trace of iron,copper, or aluminum in the surface rocks, and precious little of anythingelse. What do you think will happen to the Encyclopedia if thiswatchmacallum King of Anacreon clamps down on us?""On us? Are you forgetting that we are under the direct control of theEmperor himself? We are not part of the Prefect of Anacreon or of any otherprefect. Memorize that! personal domain, andno one touches us. The Empire can protect its own.""Then why didn't it prevent the Royal Governor of Anacreon from kickingover the traces? And only Anacreon Hong Kong Kulturelle Aktivitäten?
At least twenty of the outermost prefects of the Galaxy, the entirePeriphery as a matter of fact, have begun steering things their own way. Itell you I feel damned uncertain of the Empire and its ability to protectus.""Hokum! Royal Governors, Kings ?what's the difference? The Empire isalways shot through with a certain amount of politics and with differentmen pulling this way and that. Governors have rebelled, and, for thatmatter, Emperors have been deposed, or assassinated before this. But whathas that to do with the Empire itself? Forget it, Hardin. It's none of ourbusiness. We are first of all and last of all-scientists. And our concernis the Encyclopedia.
Oh, yes, I'd almost forgotten. Hardin!""Well?""Do something about that paper of yours!" Pirenne's voice was angry.
"The Terminus City Journal? It isn't mine; it's privately owned. What's itbeen doing?""For weeks now it has been recommending that the fiftieth anniversary ofthe establishment of the Foundation be made the occasion for publicholidays and quite inappropriate celebrations.""And why not? The computoclock will open the Vault in three months. I wouldcall this first opening a big occasion, wouldn't you?""Not for silly pageantry, Hardin. The Vault and its opening concern theBoard of Trustees alone. Anything of importance will be communicated to thepeople. That is final and please make it plain to the Journal.""I'm sorry, Pirenne, but the City Charter guarantees a certain minor matterknown as freedom of the press.""It may Hong Kong Tourismus.